Sunday, February 19, 2012

Dear Mom, I wanted to do something you on Valentines day, even though I'm 1,354 miles away. I thought I'd write you a note via blog, that way the whole world can know how amazing you are (yes the whole world reads my blog). I'm sorry I'm too poor to send you flowers, or a package with chocolate, which I'm pretty sure you'd appreciate more than flowers. But where I'm poor when it comes to money, I'm rich when it comes to love and appreciation for you. Wow that was cheesy.

 Not just any woman could take on the challenge of raising 11 children, and do so spectacularly. Kate (from Jon and Kate plus  couldn't even handle 8!. Yes, Michelle Dugger is a mother to 20, but I doubt she does as good of a job as you do with your 11.

 You're the most organized woman I've ever met. You have such an amazing knack for home decorating and keep our house in pristine order (any of y'all who have ever been to the Pittman house can attest to that). Not only do you keep the house and all of our belongings in great shape, you also keep all your kids in great shape, mentally and physically! I don't know any other woman who could say the same.

 Thank you for teaching me to be respectful and well mannered. Everything you taught me when I was younger made more of an impact than I ever thought it would. Even those hours of catechism that I hated and pitched so many fits about have really benefited me in the long run.

Thank you for never giving up on me even when it took eight years for me to finally learn how to read.  I'm so grateful that I have a mother like you, willing to support me even when I decide to move across the country. You still do an amazing job at being my mother even when I'm miles and miles away. 

 I know we've had our ups and downs, mom. Even through those terrible fights during my high school years you still loved me and supported me unconditionally. Thank you for being there for me and supporting me when I was rowing. Thank you for encouraging me when I was feeling down.

  Thank you for teaching me God's Word, and for showing me the importance of living in it. Thank you for modeling for me what a godly woman looks like.  You push me when I need pushing, comfort me when I need comfort, and reprimand me when I need reprimanding. You spanked me when I needed to be punished, and I’m glad you did. You encourage me, motivate me, and continue to inspire me. I know I can always go to you and ask you anything.  Thank you for being the best mother a girl could ask for. I love you and can't wait to see you in May!

 Happy Valentines Day, Mama


  1. I don't know any mom who would rather have chocolate or flowers than the kind, sweet (mostly true) words you've written here. Maybe we'll make it to those mother/daughter friendship years after all :) They usually don't come until a daughter has children of her own, No Rushing!

    I love you, Mary-Faith!

  2. Very sweet- the northern air must be doing you good. ;-) Fun pictures of you, too!
