Sunday, October 16, 2011

Blog Post for week 5

I had quite the week... It all started Monday when I got to spend the evening in downtown Durango. It was lovely. I went with 8 other students and one mentor. We wandered around visiting candy shops, toy stores, outerwear stores (those stores were so cool...they had the most amazing stuff, but everything was so expensive...we left quickly because we felt poor haha), and my personal favorite: Maria's bookstore. We spent a long time in there looking at old books, new books, fat books, skinny books, fiction books, non-fiction books, helping books, religious name it that bookstore had it. After wandering around for awhile, we went to dinner at an over-priced not so tasty Mexican restaurant. Then we drove to the airport to pick Anna up, because she'd been gone for a few days. That was my favorite part of the day...getting to see her impatiently waiting by the baggage claim, and then jumping into her arms...just kidding, but I did enjoy getting to pick her up.

                      Tuesday, we had work crew. I got to work in the kitchen, I made lots of bread, pizza dough, baked ziti, and scoured a billion pots and pans.
Wednesday-Friday Bauman came back and classes started. We went over Sir Philip Sydney's works, which where so interesting! If there is one thing Im going to take away from Semester, it's a great love for books. We also watched “Leap of Faith” with Steve was a really weird movie. At first I thought it was giving a bad rep to Christians, but after discussing had so many biblical references, and had a good ending. I didn't really enjoy the movie...but it made for good discussion. I also got really sick on Wednesday. Turned out I had the 48 hour stomach bug, because I didn't really stop feeling sick until late on Friday night. Basically, half of my week I didn't do anything but read, throw up, and feel sorry for myself.
Since I had such a boring week, I asked my friend Amy what I should blog about. Her answer?
“ Blog about me!”. So the following paragraph will be all about Amy Boyden.

              Amy Joelle Boyden was born on August 2nd 1989 in San Jose California. Amy likes good books, writing poetry, laughing, and long walks on the beach. She used to train for marathons but for some reason has stopped training. During the five weeks I've been here, I've killed a lot of bugs for Amy. One time she even came into my room in the wee hours of the morning, and woke me up so I could come kill a spider for her! I think she's been learning about courage though, because it's been awhile since she's asked me to kill one for her. Although there is a possibility that I just killed all the bugs/scared all the living ones away. When I asked her what she wanted to be “when she grows up” she replied “ A circus trainer.” I don't support her decision though, she wouldn't look good in vertical stripes...and a top hat would totes ruin her beautiful locks. I could see her training monkeys and elephants how to dance, beg and sing...and I would definitely pay good money to go see her jump from swing to swing hanging super high up in the air. THAT would be funny! I can just imagine it now, I'm sitting in the stands eating my boiled peanuts and cotton candy, and Amy is wearing a tutu and fly through the air...
                  Now, I'm supposed to tell a good story of something we've done together.... I creamed her in pool one time... throughout the whole game we talked in ridiculous British/Russian accents. We also got to work on kitchen crew together one time. She burned the rice... and I got mad. We like to play volleyball...but not on the same team, we always run into each other, because she'll call it and I'll still go for it. She likes to scream “you're so ambiguous when you play volleyball! I never know where you're going to be!” It's her fault though...if she could actually return the ball to the other team, I wouldn't have to try to hit it all the time. And yes she is sitting next to me harshly whispering “FALSE!” She too has a blog! “ In Every Season”. I highly recommend you go visit it, because she's really awesome and I love her a lot.

Until next time, folks!!!


  1. Mary-Faith, you're hilarious. And I love that your favorite place was a book store. Hearing that is a homeschool mother's dream :)

    Your friend sounds nice. Bring her home with you!

    MOM (missing you terribly)

  2. "Basically, half of my week I didn't do anything but read, throw up, and feel sorry for myself."

    Hahah. I am loving this blog. Text me! And send more postcards.
