Monday, January 9, 2012

 Vicodin, Minnesota and not much more
I have a lot of catching up to do...
I came home from Semester and had an amazing Christmas with my whole family. I got my wisdom teeth out, and spent a week watching my nephew and niece while on Vicodin.Which was a lot of fun, I really enjoyed my time with them.
This is my 18 month old niece Sophie :)
Im going to expound on the wisdom teeth surgery, only because it was such an awful experience. December 28th I went to the oral surgeon, signed in, went to the back room, sat in the chair, got my arms strapped down (kind of scary...) and then they put the laughing gas mask on me. I was supposed to count backwards from 10, so I did....and I was still very awake and was aptly listening to the nurses talk about where they got their white tennis shoes (big sale at Shoe Station in Market Square!). They finally noticed I was still awake and very aware and gave me an IV, after that I don't remember anything until I was trying to get in my 12 passenger van which has very high-steps... I spent the next week looking like as swollen as a pregnant whale and in a lot of pain. Apparently, drugs don't work on me...the Vicodin helped a tiny bit...but I didn't have any weird side effects, and acted completely normal. Long story short, I had two dry sockets which made for a very slow recovery.

Yes...I'm adding this because it depicts how painful it was pretty well, and also because I can't remember  anyone ever taking this so it was quite funny to come across it on my camera. 
Ok, next big event that happened since Semester's end- I decided to attend Rivendell, a small Christian Liberal Arts 2 year college that I will complete in 18 months. As I write this, I'm sitting in the common room of my dorm in Bloomington Minnesota. Why did I exchange 75 degree Florida weather for 20 degree Minnesota weather...It's kind of like exchanging a burger and fries for a spinach salad and whole wheat bread; I'll benefit better in the end/better outcome. I was planning on attending in the Fall but it worked out better for me to attend in 1 week before classes started I decided to was a hectic week of packing, popping vicodin, rushing around looking for winter clothes, and saying good-bye to as many people as I could.

I've only been at Rivendell for 2.5 days, but I love it. I have a super small class of 14 students, 8 girls 6 boys. We have 2 teachers B.J and Donald. At Rivendell we take a course for 6 weeks and then we're done with it. T he first 6 week course is “Critical Thinking” which is a lot of logic, apologetics and reading. Usually we discuss essays we had to read the night before. However, today and tomorrow we're watching a video series on Discipleship by Landa Cope. Landa is totally hilarious...or at least think she is which is funny. Everytime she says something she thinks is funny she pauses and opens her mouth and just laughs at her own joke... and since words cannot explain this well enough, I went to all the trouble of looking up a video of her, and then finding a part where she's sort of laughing....
7:37 is the time you can skip to.
I hope to continue to blog a lot more while I'm here... this post is really short. Be thankful that I'm able to summarize big events in less than one page (I definitely did not get that skill from my mama).
Until next time folks!