Blog Post 9/9/11
I'm on my flight to Phoenix Arizona, a
4 ½ hour trip... which by itself is pretty bad in my opinion.
I'm by the window and the view is
great, the seat next to me is empty, which is even better! However,
the people sitting behind me have two kids, probably 2 and 3. Don't
get me wrong I like kids... I really do. But I do not like kids on
airplanes, especially when they're sitting right behind me. This
particular child speaks Spanish fluently and loudly (who knew a 3
year old could have such a good vocabulary. At least I assume he has
a rather large vocabulary since he wont shut up. But since I don't
speak Spanish I have no idea what he's saying. He could be cussing me
out for all I know...) as does his mother. The kid continuously and
simultaneously kicks the back of my seat, opens and shuts his window
cover, slams his car on the side of the plane and shouts random
things in Spanish. I don't get how he can be so talented, but so
annoying...I guess I feel the same way about opera singers, radio
hosts, recorder players and Rebbecca Black. Actually scratch that,
this punk behind me has more talent than Ms. Black. I'm hoping that
the mother cannot read over the seat...although my computer screen is
pretty big so she probably can. Mrs. Spanish lady sitting behind me,
if you can read this, please refrain your child from kicking my seat,
its starting to annoy me. Good thing I have Modest Mouse to help me
block him out.
I've been up since 4:30am, and I was
hoping to sleep on this flight since it's so long, but obviously the
kid behind me had other plans for me. On my previous flight I was
stuck by two giant women! At least, I'm 70% sure they were of the
female gender...but I could be wrong. Have you ever tried to sleep
in the tiny space in between the driver's seat of your car, and the
center console 3 inches from your seat? Probably not...but thats
about how much space I had. I had to pee so badly on the last
flight... but I held it since the “being” sitting beside me was
asleep, and as every fairytale tells you: waking up a giant is either
very brave or very stupid. In this case it would have been stupid, so
I held it for 2 hours...anyone who knows me can attest to the fact
that 2 hours is a long time for me. It might even be a record.
Since I have nothing better to do, I'm
going to continue to ramble. Airports are the best places to meet
weird people, or to just watch weird people interact with other weird
people. This morning in SC I saw a woman with a 5 foot long braid!!! I
mean come on! Like that's just gross!
Pros and Cons of having 5
foot long hair/a braid:
Weird looks from everybody who
doesn't also have a long braid.
Maintenance... has to be
difficult to brush, wash, braid...and dont even get me started about
how hard it would be to condition that mess, she probably uses up an
entire bottle every time.
The inconvenience of tripping over
your own hair
Looking stupid when you trip over
your own hair
Failing job interviews because of
sanitary hazards
People mistaking the braid for a
poisonous snake, so they attack it in an attempt to save your life.
The inconvenience of either having
to carry it, or having it drag all over the floor
Being able to use it as
a weapon
Using it to conceal
actual weapons
Hiding gross moles on
the back of your neck and back
If you ever run out of
clothes you have plenty of hair to cover your whole body.
Great conversation
I'm pretty sure it's
big enough to carry a baby in.
If your pants start
falling down you can use it as a belt! Or if you have a skirt it can
serve as a sash as well.
Getting enough
attention to have a blog post written about you!
After going over the pros
and cons... I hope I convinced you that getting a 5 foot braid is
something everyone should do!
I hope I didn't lose all 2
of my readers (my mom and my very dedicated older brother) during
that...Mom if you're still reading this I apologize for all the
grammatical and punctuational errors I made already...writing is not
my most talented area of life.
Whatever state I'm flying
over right now looks like a checker's board... its all split up into
rectangular sections of land, varying in color. Probably Texas or New
Mexico. Really boring and flat looking.
I hate how everyone charges
you for everything now...I can't even get peanuts for free now! They
used to give out like a whole freaking meal! I did get a cup of
sprite for “free”. I think they include the drink in your ticket
price. If I ever own an airplane company I will serve my consumers
free peanuts. FREE PEANUTS FOR EVERYONE! 1300 miles till
touchdown...aka 1300 miles till I can ride myself of this family
behind me. The 2 year old is crying now...please God if there's going
to be a rapture...make it happen now. I'm ready.
Well I'm going to try to
take a nap since I'm running on 3 hours of sleep right now.
September 13
I'm at Summit Semester! Colorado is so beautiful, I haven't gotten
any good pictures yet because I've been really busy ever since I got
here. This is the second slot of free time that I've gotten...and its
not really free time, I have 10 minutes between dinner and exercise
time today, so I'm using it to start my blog post because if I
dont...I will keep putting it off.
so today we had our second day of class! Mike Mandt was our teacher,
and we learned a lot about evolution and creation. I have never fully
grasped the concept of how much space there is... like earth is so
small in comparison to everything else in our universe...our galaxy
is even tiny in comparison to the's insanely crazy! I
cannot even begin to comprehend how small we human beings are
compared to outer space. And if there is that much space out
there...then the probability of there being other living creatures
out there somewhere seems pretty likely. No, Mom, I'm not admitting
to believing in aliens... but still...It does make me wonder.
want to walk you through my day today, I have no idea if everyday is
going to be like today, but at least you'll get to see what one of my
days looks like.
woke up at 6:30am to go on a morning hike with my buddy Sarah. We
hiked on Cell Phone Hill. Dubbed that due to the fact that it's the
only place on campus that one can get enough service to make a phone
call. Some of you have been lucky enough to have gotten a call from
me, and you can attest to the fact that its a pretty tough climb,
since I'm always out of breath when I call. Anyway, we hiked all
around Cell Phone Hill and came back in time for breakfast at 8am.
All of our meals are served “family style”. Ten people per table
and we pass the food around and it forces us to talk and get to know
each other better. Meals are mandatory (not like I have a problem
with that anyway...). After breakfast we have class at 9am. Class
lasts until noon, when we go have lunch. Everyone is assigned to a
“dish crew” each crew has 6 students, and we have to do the
dishes, clean the dinning room, sweep and wipe down the kitchen, set
the tables for the next meal, and dry and put up all the clean
dishes. My dish crew had lunch today and it took us forever to clean
up...when we wash dishes we have to rinse, wash, put in bleach water,
and rinse again. I was the lucky one...I got to do the bleaching...
and of course I didn't think about asking for gloves. 10 hours later,
my hands still reek of bleach!
Most days after lunch we will either have class again or go study for
2 hours.
Today we studied, all we were assigned was to read “ An
Experiment in Criticism” by C.S Lewis. At first glance I was like
“Ha! I have no problem with criticism...” But the book is all
about what makes good literature “good” and bad literature “bad”.
At 3:30 we had an exercise hour. I ran 2 miles, which was pretty good
for a Floridan in Colorado if you ask me. I have not yet adjusted to
the altitude, so I get out of breath really quickly. Then I played
speed volleyball (be proud of me Osterbye...I actually made a few
points!). At 5 we had dinner, and since it was someone's birthday we
got cookies! Which was exciting because we dont get dessert unless
it's a birthday. I'm really missing all my sugary snacks/desserts at
home . Y'all should send me some!
had class again at 7 and got out at around 8:30. Everyone is just
chilling or playing games/musical instruments now. One of the cooler
things about Semester is that the students make their own rules. Our
second day we got together and decided on 3 values that we have, and
then based some rules off of the values. We don't really have many
rules, only really basic ones like being on time to classes and meals
and such.
dorm room is really small...I have a really short hard bed, but I
love it because by the time I crawl into it I'm just too tired to
care how nice it is. I have a wardrobe (like the one in Narnia, but a
lot smaller) that I share with my roomie, and we each have a desk. We
also share a bathroom, which isn't too bad. I really don't have
enough room for all my stuff in my room... I brought a ton of stuff!
had our first work crew... it was actually pretty tough. Thats coming
from a girl who's father made her work every saturday! I sanded log
cabin outer walls with an electic sander. Work crew is about three
hours long and I got about 5 logs done. It takes a long time to sand
them sufficiently. The logs are really dirty and dark brown, by the
time I finished working on them they were basically white. Before and
after pics are below, but it rained this morning so they dont look as
clean, gahh!
before |
after |
have our first test next friday!! Its on C.S Lewis's book. Doctor
Bauman is our main teacher and he is pretty scary! He has a list with
all 30 student's names on it and he randomly picks one and asks the
lucky student who got picked a question. But not easy questions,
questions that really make you think. Yesterday he called on me, and
as soon as he said my name terror entered my heart! I'm totes not the
type to get embarrassed easily, but I have trouble answering hard
questions in front of 29 smart students, 4 staff, and a really smart
professor. So Bauman and I went back and forth for about 10 minutes,
discussing education, and who should be in charge of it. When we were
done and he finally proceeded to ask someone else a question, I
realized that my shirt (mostly near my arm-pits) were completely
soaked! In 10 minutes I had gone from chilly, to overly hot and
sweaty. THIS IS WHAT BAUMAN DOES TO STUDENTS! No matter what you say,
he will argue the opposite side.
I apologize for the lack of pictures...its sad that the only two up here are of logs... but I promise next sunday there will be many more!